You may have noticed that I did not include myself in the food processing team in the above commentary. No, we have not suddenly decided to sternly enforce traditional characterizations of gender roles in our home…I’ve still been busy building the addition. I’m insulating the roof currently, and it feels encouraging to be at that stage. The siding is finished (thanks to Dad Benner’s good help) minus a few spots that need paint and caulk some time, and (thanks to Ethan’s good help) the slate is laid on the porches, so I can turn my attention inward. Of course, what I’d like to be doing is turning my attention further inward…helping out with the slicing and dicing and spicing going on in the back room. All the same I am enjoying making lots of visible progress and I feel good about the quality. I also have enjoyed being able to work with family and friends a little more recently. For me there is nothing quite like working jointly for providing comfortable, yet quality time spent together. We are going to enjoy living in that room, and we are coming within striking distance of the end of the project. Some of you have generously banded together, in honor of our September birthdays (but really in honor of your graciousness) to help us pay for having the drywall hung and finished by professionals. This will advance our project’s finish date by probably at least a month, and for that we are simply grateful.
for hay;
the grass leaves laying
flat upon their stubble,
stems in loose
await tomorrow’s session
with the sun.
aligned my body
with the ground
and now my aching
ankles roll and pop;
I’ll not restrict them!
boots and hot
socks stripped away.
crucial toil,
seek out their own
with only sound;
And I will labor
home upon my thighs
and eat
tomatoes while
sighs from the katydids echo the
cadence of the scythe.
the brakes, the engine stops, we’re out and moving: got to
get these apples fast; we only have an hour until dark.
on the ground, she takes one left I take one right she
sorts through what is lying in the grass I
strip the branches clean.
few minutes are a blur I’ve
eyes for only apples—leaves and twigs are in then
out of view—but not
for long…I soon
hear the apples clunking on the metal, see
my daughter give one to my lover in
the waning light. I’m
falling away, we had stepped
out into this evening
but it
mind to leave the car and
join us in the orchard.