Wednesday, February 25, 2009

In honor of Nora!

If someone had told me two years ago that one day donating blood would be a healing ritual for me I would have wondered what turns life would take to bring me to that place. And that is where I find myself. Sweaty palms, shaking cold hands and all, I find myself dreading and eager to partake in this simple yet profound ritual of facing this relatively small fear in honor of a little person who so greatly impacted my life. I wore orange for her today, and it seemed fitting that Kali got to choose the purple bandage for me at the end (and Kali was a charmer and was gifted a role of purple bandaging to bring home to take care of her stuffed animals). Jason joined me in giving blood today as well.

1 comment:

Donna Chewning said...

I don't know what prompted me to look in on your blog tonight....I just saw the bookmark and clicked it.

There you are giving blood! I just left Harrisonburg a few hours ago after sitting at the hospital with my daughter while she got precious blood that she needs so often. At times I wonder who takes the time to give so generously and I am so thankful. SO..Thank You!!!